How to Keep Skunks Away From Your House and Yard
Table Of Content The Best Bug Sprays of 2023 Smart Solutions for Keeping Animals Out of the Garden Without Harming Them Install Underground Fencing Around Porches, Decks, and Sheds What to Do if Sprayed by a Skunk Why Do Skunks Smell So Bad? If a skunk does take residence on your land, however, they will be less likely to leave on their own accord and may need encouragement if they bother you. Skunks can find homes in overgrown bushes and shrubs, fallen logs, and other building materials. While skunks usually create homes in the form of shallow burrows, these features provide great shelter from the elements. This method should be repeated several times, especially after rain, in order for it to be effective. Skunks sometimes feed on corn, but they tend to only eat the lower ears that they can reach. The Best Bug Sprays of 2023 Their famous defensive odour can pose a real hazard for dogs and small children, they wreak havoc on vegetable gardens and poultry, and they can be a rab...